beate eismann


The material world of traditional printing technology vanishes. The world of images cast in metal dissolves…
During a stay as Artist-in-Residence at the Institute for Research in Applied Arts of the Fachhochschule Dusseldorf in November 2010, I looked for an artistic parable for this process of decay, but also searched for the artistic potential offerd by modern digital printing techniques, for instance by Rapid Prototyping.

A German translation of the term “RAPID PROTOTYPING” is “3 D DRUCKVERFAHREN“ [3 D PRINT PROCEDURE]. I took it literally and “fed in” analogous print designs via the 3 D or 2 D scanner, and then I used them as basis for my reshapings in the computer. What was “printed” by the 3 D printer in a final process, has a content-related connection with the printing procedures formerly used, and it bears an incorporated reference to the history of printing.

Just like reproductions of a printing block are considered originals in the arts market – which they are not in the strict sense – in this field the question of which is the original and which is a copy, what is the prototype and which is a reproduction, and even copyright-related issues arise. For me it is about questions that you automatically come across when applying digital imaging and shaping procedures, and which you have to face.